Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Fact #10

Peas have been around a long time. Early archeologists have found them in cave dwellings dating back to 9750 B.C.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Poisoning pests may not be best for your garden


Take a few steps into your garden and look closely. You'll see ecology at work, though not necessarily in a way that may please you: insects, bacteria and fungi eating your plants.

You might be surprised to hear that this is normal. Insects and diseases are supposed to go after your plants. In fact, a little bit of munching is a sign of a healthy garden. The problem is that most people have trouble figuring out how much munching is too much -- and when they should turn to a pesticide for help.

Only you can decide whether to use poison to control garden pests, but there are some rules of thumb that can help you make that decision. Before you reach for the spray bottle, ask yourself these questions:

What's eating your plants?

Never apply a pesticide if you can't identify the disease or insect that is attacking your plants. Many pesticides are designed to do very specific things. If you spray a pesticide without knowing what the problem is, it's likely that you'll be wasting money (pesticides aren't cheap), killing beneficial insects and bacteria that may have been helping to control other problems and needlessly introducing a poison into the environment -- one that could be toxic to you, your children or your pets. If you don't know what the problem is, don't apply a pesticide. It isn't worth the risk.

How much abuse can a plant take?

A few holes or discolored leaves don't mean a plant is on death's door. Most plants can afford to lose about one-third of their leaves without suffering too much. That's because plants don't have sprays to protect them in their natural environments, so they produce more foliage than they need to survive. If your plant hasn't lost many leaves, spraying may not be worth it.

Does the spray control the problem or just the symptoms?

Plants that are over- or under-watered or over- or under-fertilized often look sick and can attract insects and diseases. Spraying these plants can help control the pests, but it won't address the real problem, which is that your plants aren't healthy.

Read up on any plants that are having trouble. Are they getting the right sun exposure? Have your soil tested to make sure it can sustain what you want to grow.

Or go to a garden center and pick up a water-sensing product. They can tell you whether the soil is too wet or too dry for your plants. (As a general rule, soil should be slightly moist, but not wet. Soil that regularly stays wet more than a couple days won't be good for most plants.)

Is the pest still there?

Too many gardeners use pesticides after the pest has already done its damage and is long gone. Applying insecticides to tent caterpillar nests that are empty or to control holes created by hornworms that have left to form pupa is a waste of money and insecticide. If you can't see the insect, then don't apply the insecticide.

Is the problem likely to get worse?

It can be a good idea to use a pesticide not because a particular pest is bad now, but because it is likely to get worse. For example, if you apply an insecticide when tent caterpillars are small, you'll spray a smaller area and use less insecticide than if you waited until they were larger and had done more damage. This is also true with many diseases. Black spot on rose is best treated before it gets bad. If you're going to try to control it, control it early.

Do I have to do anything?

Applying a pesticide is your choice, but you never need to apply one. Pesticides are poisons. If you're uncomfortable with pesticides, then don't use them. It's as simple as that.

If you are going to use pesticides, be sure to follow the directions on the label, which are designed to help keep you safe while making it tough on garden pests.


Jeff Gillman is an associate professor of horticulture at the University of Minnesota. He has written two books: "The Truth About Garden Remedies" and "The Truth About Organic Gardening" (Timber Press, $12.95).

Friday Fact #9

For a healthy pasture, the tiny animals living below the surface should weigh more than the cows grazing on it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Edible Petals

It's summer time so lets brighten up our meals and add presentation to our summer cooking. Many chefs are adding creativity to their cooking by sprinkling flower petals on their dishes. You can do it too!

Here are a few edible flowers to get you started:

• Calendula (Calendula officinalis). Also known as pot marigold, this flower enjoys a long association with food because its orange petals were used to color cheddar cheese and as an alternative to expensive saffron. It grows easily in rich, fast-draining soil in full sun. The flowers are single or double - usually orange, apricot, cream or yellow in color. They tolerate light frost. Beware of slugs and snails. Flower petals good in cooking, leaves nice in salads; tangy, savory flavor. Calendula petals also hold their yellow or orange color when dried. Scatter your extras over an old screen and let them dry for use this winter to accent soups and stews.

• Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus). The common name of this plant is bachelor's button. It's a tall, slender plant with gray-green leaves and brightly-colored thistle-like flowers, usually bright blue. Plant in full sun, well-drained soil. Sow by seeds; seedlings do not transplant easily. Flowers used in cooking; sweet, spicy, clove-like flavor.

• Daylily (Hemorocallis species). Dried golden daylily petals are a traditional ingredient in Chinese hot-and-sour soup. The flavor of lighter-colored blossoms is preferred over dark ones. The flowers usually bloom for a day only, hence their name. This cold-hardy perennial likes good soil in light shade or full sun. Fertilize a little, keep fairly moist. Flowers and petals used in cooking; mild onion flavor.

• Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis). Use only the red-flowered plants of this perennial for cooking. Likes full sun, well-drained, moist soil. Flowers and juices used in cooking; slightly acidic taste, cranberry flavor.

• Lilac (Syringa vulgaris). This cold-hardy, flowering shrub needs fast-draining soil and sun. Use its flowers in cooking; lemony, floral flavor.

• Marigold (Tagetes tenuifolia/T. signata). Drought-tolerant annual that likes full sun and well-drained, fertile soil. Sow by seed for showy flowers that you pick to encourage continual blooms. Spicy, herbal or lemon flavor, depending on the variety.

• Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus). These flowers have long been favored in salads and also make exceptional bedding plants due to their pinwheel-shaped leaves. Nasturtiums grow easily from seeds, making them a very affordable choice. They flourish in well-drained, moist soil in full sun. The plants self-seed freely and can become invasive, although delightfully so. It's a great companion plant to deter cucumber beetles and whiteflies. The leaves, blooms and flower buds are all used in cooking; buds are used as capers; sweet, peppery flavor.

• Pansy (Viola x wittrockiana). Pansies, violets and violas are all closely related. In medieval times, entire salads were made of viola plants, flowers and onions. The viola's cute, facelike flowers are an exceptional garnish with the smallest blossoms used whole in salads. They're popular for decorating desserts. These plants thrive in cool weather, fade in heat of summer and rebloom in autumn. They prefer rich, loamy, well-drained, moist soil and full sun or light shade. Picking flowers encourages longer flower production. Both petals and whole flowers are used in cooking; very mild sweet wintergreen flavor. Note: Dark-colored flowers turn your tongue that color, albeit temporarily.

• Pineapple guava (Feijoa sellowiana). A member of the myrtle family, this perennial shrub prefers rich, well-drained soil, a sunny location and warm temperatures. The petals of the creamy white flowers are used in cooking; ripe fruit flavor.

• Pinks (Dianthus caryophyllus). These cottage-garden perennials offer some of the most detailed petals of all. Flowers range from white to pale pink to vibrant pink to purple. Give plants well-drained soil in full sun. Petals with the bitter white area are removed and used in cooking; sweet, clove flavor. They are great as whole-flower garnishes, too.

• Rose (Rosa rugosa, damascena or galica). Aficionados claim the old rose varieties are the most fragrant and flavorful. If you're a novice, grow new carefree types like Flower Carpet and Knock Out roses. They like well-drained, moist, rich soil in full sun. Use petals or rose hips in cooking; sweet floral flavor, stronger with stronger fragrance.

• Society garlic (Tulbaghia violacea). This perennial prefers well-drained, rich soil in sun or partial shade. Leaves and flowers used in cooking; mild garlic flavor.

• Squash blossoms (Cucurbita pepo). Flowers are yellow, the plant a vine. Grow it in full sun with enriched soil. Flowers perfect for stuffing or cut up in a dish; flavor is mildly vegetal.

Sources: Maureen Gilmer, horticulturist and host of "Weekend Gardening" on the DIY Network; Kathy Van Mullekom, staff writer, Newport News (Va.) Daily Press; Holly Hayes, Mercury News staff writer.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Friday Fact #8

The average hummingbird weighs less than a penny and feeds on an average of 1,500 flowers per day.